Friday, June 15, 2007

Spooky House Stories Needed

I seldom mention specifics here about what I'm writing. However, I need your help on my current project, so let me tell you a little bit more.

It's a suspense called Jordan's Shadow. I took a shot at writing it last year but I'm starting over, and I've decided I want it to be very atmospheric and Gothic. You know those books, right? The covers usually feature a dark, stone mansion perched on a cliff, with the angry waves crashing below.

Mine's going to be like that--only in a brick ranch house in Georgia. Seriously. Instead of cliffs and waves, the house will be perched between acres of piney woods and a shadowy pecan orchard. But I am going for that same sinister, Gothic thing.

So I'm wondering. Do any of you have stories about "normal," non-mansion type houses that gave you the creeps for some reason? Here's a couple of my examples.

I grew up in a brick ranch house, sort of like the one in my novel. When I was about six, we added a large living room onto the house, which was mainly used for big family gatherings or when we had guests. It had a separate entrance from the porch and French doors that closed it off from the rest of the house. When I was a child, that room gave me the willies. To this day, when I visit my parents, I'm not thrilled if I have to go into that dark room by myself.

I was telling my sister about this recently, and she tried to guess the reason for my fear. Was it because of all the windows in that room, which made it easy to feel like someone was watching me? Because it was so separate from the rest of the house? Nope. It was because--and I hope no one takes offense at this--of the picture of Jesus that hung on the far wall, and which still hangs there today.

I've never seen another picture of Jesus quite like this. It's a portrait, and He looks very stern. Almost angry. It's also extremely lifelike. To use a cliche, the eyes seem to follow you all around the room. Sometimes one of my parents used to send me into that room to fetch an encyclopedia from the bookcase. I'd have to open the French doors, cross several feet in sheer darkness, then fumble for the light switch. I tried very hard not to look over at that portrait, because I was certain that, some night, one of two things would happen. (Or possibly both.) Number one, the eyes would be glowing in the dark--and still following me. Number two, it would come to life.

She swears she doesn't remember this, but I told my sister all this when I was a kid. She said I must have a guilty conscience. That did NOT make me feel better.

DISCLAIMER: I promise I have a very healthy and loving relationship with the REAL Jesus. It's just that picture I don't do so well with.

My next creepy house example: When my husband and I were house-shopping a few years ago, we looked at a home in a very nice, older neighborhood. It was a small, brick, single-level house except for an unfinished basement. Here's the weird part. Right in the middle of the living room, there was an opening in the floor with a narrow staircase going down into that dark basement. Right there in the living room! It was a nice house otherwise, but I knew I had WAY too much imagination to put up with that. I tried to picture myself lounging in that room at night, watching TV, with an open hole down into a dark pit a few feet away. Yeah, right.

I'm definitely using the weird basement entrance in my Gothic ranch house.

Have you seen other things in houses, or had spooky experiences, that I could blatantly steal from you and help build the atmosphere in my story? If so, please share! You can leave it in a comment or email me at robing8300 at Also, if it's a really good story, let me know if I can pass it along to the other readers.

Thanks so much for your help. Have a great weekend!


  1. Haven´t got any "house" experiences to share, but did enjoying visiting your site and will be dropping by again.

  2. When I was little, there was a copy of that famous painting, "Pinky" hanging on my bedroom wall. It scared me and I asked my mother to take it down. And I never could put up posters on my wall of my teen idols, because it seemed like their eyes were following. Shawn Cassidy is not creepy, but his poster HAD to come down. :-)
    Not a spooky house story, but I'm creeped out by portraits, too.

  3. Okay, call me weird, but while I was in college, I collected absurd ways to answer the phone and ways to annoy or freak people out. One of my favorites on the freaking people out list was to be done to a new roommate. Take black electrical tape and stick it across the eyes of all the people in photos and posters in the house. Then tell your roommate you didn't like when they were staring at you. Of course, you have to have tape already over your own when your roommate moves in. But, ornery as it, it's really funny to see people's faces if you can keep your straight for a day or two--which I never could. (Supposedly, you can stick the tape to saran wrap before sticking it to the pictures, and it'll peal off again later; you don't want to ruin their property.)

  4. My husband, bless his heart, is preparing us supper while I'm reading about the hole in the living room and the tape across people's eyes. Twice I burst out laughing so hard that he became curious.

    I don't have any creepy house stories - at least not true ones. But when I was a child, about 10 years old, my cousin lived on a farm without running water and electricity (in South Africa). I remember the outhouse, and the last "bathroom" trip before bedtime. Picture a pale moonlit farm, and a 500-yard stretch uphill to the outhouse. A few wild shrubs threw shadows that looked like stalkers ready to lunge at me when I walked past them. By the time I took the throne, I had goosebumps all over. Oh, and let me not forget to mention the owl in a nearby tree. It often caused me to run back home as fast as I can after taking care of business!

  5. Okay, we all seem to agree that portraits can be really creepy. Makes me feel a little better. Kathleen, I have to say, you definitely would have freaked me out with the tape thing! I think I'd rather have the eyes following me around the room! Jannie, my uncle still had an outhouse when I was a little girl, so I well understand that story, too.

  6. Maybe I should start a blog and list one of my ways to freak people out with each post. I have somewhere around 3 dozen. LOL 'Glad I was able to give y'all a chuckle. :^D

  7. Yes, I've got a couple of stories. :)
