Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Guiding and Providing

Ever ask God to give you a sign? Ever have him respond--literally?

I was driving home from work yesterday, and as I mentioned in my last post, I'm exhausted this week. Maybe that's part of the problem, but I feel lousy all over--physically and mentally. I'm behind in everything. When I do manage to sit down to write, nothing comes.

So I was putting myself through my weekly tirade to God. "Maybe you don't even want me to write. Obviously I can't handle as much as other people. I'm incompetent, or lazy, or something. I don't have enough energy. Other folks can turn out three novels a year and blog and hold down jobs and raise children and support orphans in developing countries and..." Well, you get the picture.

I looked up during this tirade and saw this sign:

'Nuff said.

Don't you love God's sense of humor?


  1. Great message today. I guess He wanted to be clear. Laugh.

  2. Wow, that's cool. I have asked God for a sign. Several years ago I did it a few times. It's so powerful, it's a little scary. :-) God really delivers. Sometimes he gives us a sign when we don't ask directly, but we're seeking and praying hard, and feeling a bit desperate. God is good.

  3. Kinda like being smacked upside the head with a 2 x 4, isn't it?

  4. That's so cool, Robin.

    Interesting how I often feel the same way. Why can't I be super wife/mom/writer/woman?

    I'm realizing that right now God doesn't want me doing all the things I'm trying to do. So I'm learning to be content with writing on the very distant back burner.

  5. Dear Robin, thanks for sharing this timely message. I'm just catching up on my posts after attending a writing conf. in Myrtle Beach last weekend (and spending a few days of R&R with DH afterwards) It helps to know others feel the way I do sometimes. God bless. rose
