Friday, August 31, 2007

The Desires of Your Heart

I always sit up and take extra notice when my pastor preaches on waiting. Last Sunday, he did just that, and he used one of my favorite Psalms (37) as a starting point. This is the psalm that tells us to be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him (v. 7). It talks about not fretting over the schemes of men, or worrying when the wicked succeed. (It's sort of understood to say "when they succeed, and you don't.")

Now, I hesitate to call other writers wicked. Okay, a couple do come to mind, because I've read some pretty vile books in my time. But I won't name names.

I do, however, sometimes fret over why others succeed and I don't. This psalm tells me what I should be doing instead. Trusting the Lord. Committing my way to Him. Enjoying all the good things he's giving me. (I love the verse that says "Dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.")

Then it tells us to "delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart" (v. 4). I've looked at that verse many times and wondered just what it means. How do we delight ourselves in the Lord? And how is that connected with somehow acquiring the desires of our heart?

Chip (my pastor) said most people don't delight in the Lord because they don't know Him. And we don't know Him because we don't spend enough time with Him. If we spend time in His presence, however, we'll come to know Him so well that we'll know what He wants us to do, what He wants for our lives. We'll come to trust Him and want what He wants. His desires will become our desires. And of course, then we'll get the desires of our hearts!

I love this because I put myself through such hurdles sometimes wondering if I should even have a dream of writing. Is this what God wants or not? According to Psalm 37, if I delight myself in the Lord, I really don't have to worry so much about that. If I'm spending time with Him, he'll give me the drive and the energy to accomplish His goals for me. And if I was on the wrong track, obsessing over the wrong thing, I'll naturally turn away from it and be attracted to the right thing.

There's no way to lose!


  1. Thank, Robin. I like this one, too. I remember having to memorize the chapter in elementary school Hmm. 'Think I need to review. Good reminder.

  2. Great post, Robin. My heart has turned to the Psalms this week, too. Still waiting, still delighting, along with every other possible emotion. :-)

  3. Well said, Robin. That has always been one of my favoirte passages. I know that writing (and waiting to be published) has matured my faith. There's no way I can manipulate things to make them happen, but must wait for His timing. A good lesson to learn!

  4. I love that. I felt vey convicted as I read that because I let myself get so busy doing what I think God wants me to do, that I never even realize that God didn't want that at all. It's true that as you spend more time with God that your desires become more like his. In church recently we have been talking about how we make things too complicated. If you love God and put him first and truly love people as we have been called to do every thing else kind of takes care of itself. God will always make himself clear. You've just got to be patient and know how to listen.
