Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to Normal

I really intended to blog at least once or twice during the Christmas/New Year's holidays, but that didn't happen. Of course, a lot of things I intended to do didn't happen.

No calamities like last year, I'm pleased to report. Although it was sort of funny. We had sort of a weak echo of last year's traumas. Last Christmas, my sister's dog almost died from a gastric ailment. This year, my niece's dog appeared to have the same thing but recovered within hours. Last year we had major flooding from our plumbing. This time we had a stopped-up kitchen sink and a leaky shower head that spit water at the ceiling. Instead of pneumonia, we had colds. All in all, a definite improvement.

Still, I found myself getting a little stressed because of all those days off from work and no accomplishments. Not only did I not clean out the basement or the year's worth of junk mail and magazines that have collected in my bedroom, I didn't even fulfill my heart's desire of lounging in Barnes & Noble with a cup of Godiva hot chocolate and a good book. Only I could put pressure on myself because I'm not accomplishing the fun things on my to-do list!

I guess my expectations are too high for the end of a year--or the beginning of one. I sometimes think that the cycle of school years ruined me when I was young. I grew so accustomed to getting caught up and coming to a definite ending at the close of a term. Next term, everything was fresh and new, a blank slate. Of course, adult life isn't like that.

Oh well. Back to the routine today, and that's okay. Tonight I will start polishing the last draft of my manuscript. Because of course, I let that job spill over into the new year, too.

How about all of you? How is your new year starting off?


  1. I didn't get the cleaning done I was planning to do, either. I only scratched the surface. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure what I got done! But I'm glad the holidays are over now and I can get back into some kind of routine.

  2. Oh, I know what I did. I read a lot. And cooked a lot. And ate a lot. Now I am trying to diet, like the rest of the country.

  3. When I was younger, I too strived for getting the end of the year "cleaned up", of using the holiday break to get things done, to have that feeling of accomplishment (I was accused of being a perfectionist). But now I am older and realize that all those things do not matter compared to precious time with your family and loved ones. All you end up accomplishing is stressing out yourself!!! Enjoy every moment...

  4. It's started busy. And, yes, all those "Murphy" problems have cropped up here, too. But that's life, always interesting.

  5. Glad you had a better Christmas this year, Robin. There's always something, isn't there? If you've read my "Wrapping up the Year" blog you know what ours was like. We'd rather not do that next year!

    Thanks for commenting on my blog yesterday. I laughed when you said those rules would be too hard for you to follow! You and I sound a lot alike!

  6. I empathize with you, girl! I never get as much done as I want to do! I am also doing one final? re-write of my current WIP!
