Monday, February 25, 2013

Happily Ever After Takes Work!

This past weekend, Dave and I celebrated our twenty-third wedding anniversary. We went to Hilton Head Island, which was also where we spent our honeymoon. Even though it rained all weekend—until the morning we had to leave, of course; isn’t that always the way?—we had a wonderful trip. We walked in the rain, climbed to the top of the lighthouse, ate fresh seafood, and in the evening built a fire and ordered pizza.

Getting married was another one of those dreams of mine that seemed to take forever. I was a few weeks shy of thirty-one when we finally walked down the aisle. At the time, I thought I was ancient. I thought ice ages could have come and gone in the time I spent fretting over whether I would be single forever!

You know, in fairy-tales and movies, getting to the “I Do” is the happy ending, but in the real world, that’s just the beginning. Dave and I had both been single and independent for a long time, not to mention we’re both very stubborn people. So the adjustment was extremely difficult, and I don’t mean for a few weeks or even a few months. Sometimes I think back on the years he had to put up with my attitude and am amazed he’s still around.

Truth be told, if we hadn’t both believed that marriage is forever we probably would have separated in those early years. But we hung in there, and miracle of miracles, today we’re best friends. Happily married—ever after, I hope. But I know it’s easy to slip, and we have to guard our relationship constantly.

I try to remember all of this when I start to despair of my other dreams. I try to remember that each day is a gift the Lord has made, and that if and when I manage to cross over that magic line into fulfillment, well then…that day will have its joys and challenges just like the others.

Then again, I also know that dreams are worth working for. Even on the days when you’d rather throw the whole mess out the window. Looking at my best friend and husband of twenty-three years makes me remember that.


  1. This is so awesome, Robin! Your relationship was always so encouraging to me during my difficult marriage, and even though mine didn't make it, your marriage gave me the assurance that with faith, it could work out. But it does take both people with faith in such tough circumstances, and thankfully both of you guys have that faith in God to get you through. My pastor likes to say that when we look to other people to be Jesus for us is when we create all that turmoil in marriage and other relationships. Thanks so much for sharing, and Happy Anniversary to you guys :)

    1. Thanks, Kristi! That's the main reason I confess that we had problems in the beginning--to encourage other people. But, as you said, when one person is determined to leave, you can't stop them.

  2. Great truths in this post, Robin! I'm glad you guys stuck it out. :-) And your dreams ARE worth working for, but you're right. There are some struggles and trials involved even with the dream come true! ;-)

    1. Thanks, Melanie! Yes, I know you've had some struggles since publishing, but your journey and your good attitude have been encouraging to me!

  3. I totally get what you've said here....though we had the opposite problem. I was 2 weeks shy of my 19th birthday and DH was 22 yo New York City cop. Greek, too, and I'm part Polish...LOL!
    I had a lot of growing up to do and like you, if we hadn't decided that marriage was forever we would have split. 45 years later we're more in love than ever.

    1. I guess the bottom line is, marriage is always challenging!
      Thanks for sharing, and I'm glad your story is a happy one. :)

  4. Happy anniversary, Robin.

    Easy love is just that--easy and quick to be thrown away. But when you've been through some tough times and you come through it together, then you know what true love looks like.


  5. Congratulations on twenty-three years of marriage! I'm glad you were able to revisit a place so special to you and think back on God's goodness in bringing you to this point together. May He continue to bless your marriage.

    1. Thanks so much, Kathleen! And it's wonderful to hear from you again.
