Friday, March 6, 2009

It's Time to Make the Switch!

This is it, folks. Time to switch over to the new blog.

The new blog (Dimensions: Art and Eternity) is up and running, although not in its final form. But we plan to start regular posting there next week. Which means, I won't be posting here after this week, at least not in the near future.

So, I'd like to ask a couple of things of you. First, go over to the new blog and subscribe. There's a very easy subscription box on the right-hand side that you can use. (Just remember step two. After you receive an email about your subscription, you must open up the email message and click on the link to confirm!) After subscribing, you will not only receive notifications every time there's a new post, but you will be entered into EVERY PRIZE DRAWING ON THE SITE!

And there are going to be numerous prize drawings! We're planning to give away something fun every week for about eight weeks, culminating in a big, grand prize drawing at the end of April. You'll be able to get entries by leaving comments, and one automatic entry for being subscribed.

Second thing I'd like to ask of you: If you have your own blog, would you be willing to link to our new site? If you're already linking to The Queen, you can just substitute Dimensions. As an added bonus, if you go ahead and do this now, you won't hear from me about it again! No whining, begging emails showing up in your inbox. Think of the irritation you'll be saving yourself!

Anyway, all my regulars out there have become very special to me, so I hope you'll follow me over to the new site. We'll still talk about perseverance, and pirates, and the strange things that cats do. (I have a bizarre new Wendy story coming up.) There will just be far more variety and a wider range of topics with Kristi's input added in.

Hope to see you at Dimensions!

1 comment:

  1. hey, robin! I'm so glad you liked the title. But you know I'm not a new visitor--it's just me, Elizabeth Musser=)

    Blessings on you both in the new venture and may the Lord lead us all deeper into His presence.

    Love, Elizabeth
